Formatting guide
On this page, you can find all of Bioscience Horizons formatting guidelines required for your submission. Please, follow the formatting as close as possible to ensure a smooth submission process. If preferred, you can download a PDF version of this guide here.
Research Article
This section contains all information needed to format your article submission.
Research Article pieces contain novel research findings or critical appraisal of substantial scientific interest. Main results and conclusions of the research must not have been submitted or published elsewhere.
To start, download our submission template here.
Research Article must contain the following sections (in this order):
• Title
• Author & supervisor information
• Keywords
• Abstract
• Main Body
•Methods and Materials
•Discussion and conclusion
• Figures and Figure legends
• References
The first page of the Bioscience Horizons submission should include:
• Title
• Author & Supervisor information
The second page of the Bioscience Horizons submission should include:
• Keywords
• Abstract
The main body of the Bioscience Horizons submission should start on the third page, and each following section (Figures and Figure legends, References) should begin on a new page.
Title of the Article summarising its contents. A title should be catchy to spark the reader’s interest.
Title can contain a maximum of 130 characters (including spaces) and should be written using the Arial font of 20pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Author & supervisor information:
This section contains names of all authors and supervisors behind the submission, institutions where the study was performed, and contact e-mail address for the corresponding author (preferentially an institutional address).
Information regarding the affiliated institutions should contain the name and full address of each institution. Authors are asked to indicate which institutions(s) is each author and supervisor affiliated with using numbering and subscripts following each name. The corresponding author should be indicated with the “*” symbol following their name.
This information should be written using the Arial font of 14pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Authors – John Smith¹*, Amy Warn¹, and Toby Jack¹,²
Supervisors – Prof Tom Smid¹,² and Dr Maria Franklin²
Institutions – 1. University College London, Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E6BT, United Kingdom
2. Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd, London NW11AT, United Kingdom
Contact email –
From this section onwards, all lines in the submission file should be numbered.
Authors are asked to choose up to 6 keywords (minimum of 3) that capture the main ideas of the manuscript.
Keywords should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing.
An abstract is one of the most essential sections of a publication. It is often the section where readers determine whether they are going to read the publication or not. Therefore, authors are asked to put substantial effort into drafting a high-quality abstract.
Abstract for Bioscience Horizons manuscript should be no longer than 1200 characters (including spaces).
Abstract should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing. Text of the abstract should be justified.
Main Body:
Main body of an Article should be no longer than 3000 words and should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing. Text should be justified. Each paragraph (including headings) should be separated with an empty line.
Authors can use up to 3 levels of headings to separate different sections of their manuscript. Headings should be formatted as follows:
• Headings (Introduction, Results ...): Arial, size 14pt, bold, 2.0 spacing
• Subheadings: Arial, size 12pt, bold and underlined, 2.0 spacing
• Subsubheadings: Arial, size 12pt, underlined, 2.0 spacing
The introduction presents the problem to be analysed by the author. It should present a critical discussion of the literature on the topic, present the author’s hypothesis and shortly summarise the methods used to conduct the research.
Methods and Materials:
The methods and materials section should contain a detailed description of the components required to replicate the research. It should be divided into paragraphs, each preceded by a bold heading.
The result section should include the results of the experiments carried out, without interpreting them or coming to any conclusion. Interpretation and conclusion of the results is presented respectively in the Discussion and Conclusion sections.
Discussion and conclusion:
Discussion should reinclude the problem to be addressed by the study and interpret the results of the experiments in light of this problem. The author should make sense of every experimental mistake, discuss the impact of its research in the field and the possibility of carrying out more experiments.
Figures and Figure Legends:
Figures and tables should be original (authors must have the appropriate rights to use any figures and tables), correctly labelled and must contain a figure legend. Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in the figure legend (even if they were used previously in the text).
Figures and tables should not exceed the size of 186mm x 261mm and be of a high quality (recommended 300 dpi).
Figures and tables should be listed in order of appearance in the text (all figures and tables must be referenced within the main text).
Legends should be included bellow figures and tables, not exceed 300 words, and be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Figure legends should follow this format:
Figure Tag: Figure name. Figure legend
Figure 1: Logo of Bioscience Horizons. This is the logo of Bioscience Horizons.
References should be mainly for primary research articles and follow the Harvard style of referencing and include DOI where possible.
Where a publication has more than 3 authors, first 3 should be included in the reference list and followed by et. al. In the case of in-text references, if a publication has 2 authors, both should be mentioned, separated with “&”; if it has 3 or more authors, only the leading author should be mentioned, followed by et. al.
Journal article:
In-text: (Author’s surname(s), Year of publication)
Reference List: Author’s surname(s), Author’s initial(s), Year of publication, Title of the publication in bold, Journal Title in Italics, vol. ## (volume number), no. # (issue number), doi: (doi).
In-text: (Author’s surname(s), Year of publication)
Reference list: Author’s surname(s), Author’s initial(s), Year of publication, Title of the publication in bold, edition: ## (edition number), Publisher in Italics, ISBN: ## (ISBN number).
In-text: (Pan, 2018)
Reference list: Pan, M., 2018, Hibernation induction in non-hibernating species, Bioscience Horizons, vol. 11, no. 1, doi: 10.1093/biohorizons/hzy002.
In-text: (Moraes & Gaudet, 2018)
Reference list: Moraes, M. U., Gaudet, T. J., 2018, Immunotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Bioscience Horizons, vol. 11, no. 1, doi: 10.1093/biohorizons/hzy001.
In-text: (Muriithi et. al., 2018)
Reference list: Muriithi, E., Kinyua J., Nyanjom, S. G., 2018, In silico prediction of protein-protein interaction between Glossina m. morsitans (Westwood, 1851) and Trypanosoma brucei (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), Bioscience Horizons, vol.11, no.1, doi:10.1093/biohorizons/hzy005.
Reference list: In-text: (Lodish et. al., 2018)
Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C. A. et al., 2018, Molecular Cell Biology, edition: 8th, W. H. Freeman, ISBN: 1464183392.
This section contains all information needed to format your review submission.
Review pieces provide an overview of a specific bioscience problem and should present a critical analysis of the literature on the topic.
To start, download our submission template here.
Review must contain the following sections (in this order):
• Title
• Author & supervisor information
• Keywords
• Abstract
• Main Body
•Review Body
• Figures and Figure legends
• References
The first page of the Bioscience Horizons submission should include:
• Title
• Author & Supervisor information
The second page of the Bioscience Horizons submission should include:
• Keywords
• Abstract
The main body of the Bioscience Horizons submission should start on the third page, and each following section (Figures and Figure legends, References) should begin on a new page.
Title of the Review summarising its contents. A title should be catchy to spark the reader’s interest.
Title can contain a maximum of 130 characters (including spaces) and should be written using the Arial font of 20pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Author & supervisor information:
This section contains names of all authors and supervisors behind the submission, institutions where the study was performed, and contact e-mail address for the corresponding author (preferentially an institutional address).
Information regarding the affiliated institutions should contain the name and full address of each institution. Authors are asked to indicate which institutions(s) is each author and supervisor affiliated with using numbering and subscripts following each name. The corresponding author should be indicated with the “*” symbol following their name.
This information should be written using the Arial font of 14pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Authors – John Smith¹*, Amy Warn¹, and Toby Jack¹,²
Supervisors – Prof Tom Smid¹,² and Dr Maria Franklin²
Institutions – 1. University College London, Gower St, Bloomsbury, London WC1E6BT, United Kingdom
2. Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd, London NW11AT, United Kingdom
Contact email –
From this section onwards, all lines in the submission file should be numbered.
Authors are asked to choose up to 6 keywords (minimum of 3) that capture the main ideas of the manuscript.
Keywords should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing.
An abstract is one of the most essential sections of a publication. It is often the section where readers determine whether they are going to read the publication or not. Therefore, authors are asked to put substantial effort into drafting a high-quality abstract.
Abstract for Bioscience Horizons manuscript should be no longer than 1200 characters (including spaces).
Abstract should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing. Text of the abstract should be justified.
Main Body:
Main body of a Review should be no longer than 5000 words and should be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing. Text should be justified. Each paragraph (including headings) should be separated with an empty line.
Authors can use up to 3 levels of headings to separate different sections of their manuscript. Headings should be formatted as follows:
• Headings (Introduction, Results ...): Arial, size 14pt, bold, 2.0 spacing
• Subheadings: Arial, size 12pt, bold and underlined, 2.0 spacing
• Subsubheadings: Arial, size 12pt, underlined, 2.0 spacing
The introduction presents the problem to be analysed by the author in a clear and beginner-friendly way. It should provide the reader with the necessary context for the following sections.
Review Body:
Review body should present a critical discussion of the literature on the topic, present the author’s hypothesis. A successful review should address any potential controversies in the field. Authors should use experimental evidence and primary literature to support their claims.
Conclusion should restate the problem to be addressed by the review. The author should summarise their findings, discuss the current state of the field, its limitations and possible directions for future research.
Figures and Figure Legends:
Figures and tables should be original (authors must have the appropriate rights to use any figures and tables), correctly labelled and must contain a figure legend. Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in the figure legend (even if they were used previously in the text).
Figures and tables should not exceed the size of 186mm x 261mm and be of a high quality (recommended 300 dpi).
Figures and tables should be listed in order of appearance in the text (all figures and tables must be referenced within the main text).
Legends should be included bellow figures and tables, not exceed 300 words, and be written using the Arial font of 11pt size with 2.0 spacing.
Figure legends should follow this format:
Figure Tag: Figure name. Figure legend
Figure 1: Logo of Bioscience Horizons. This is the logo of Bioscience Horizons.
References should be mainly for primary research articles and follow the Harvard style of referencing and include DOI where possible.
Where a publication has more than 3 authors, first 3 should be included in the reference list and followed by et. al. In the case of in-text references, if a publication has 2 authors, both should be mentioned, separated with “&”; if it has 3 or more authors, only the leading author should be mentioned, followed by et. al.
Journal article:
In-text: (Author’s surname(s), Year of publication)
Reference List: Author’s surname(s), Author’s initial(s), Year of publication, Title of the publication in bold, Journal Title in Italics, vol. ## (volume number), no. # (issue number), doi: (doi).
In-text: (Author’s surname(s), Year of publication)
Reference list: Author’s surname(s), Author’s initial(s), Year of publication, Title of the publication in bold, edition: ## (edition number), Publisher in Italics, ISBN: ## (ISBN number).
In-text: (Pan, 2018)
Reference list: Pan, M., 2018, Hibernation induction in non-hibernating species, Bioscience Horizons, vol. 11, no. 1, doi: 10.1093/biohorizons/hzy002.
In-text: (Moraes & Gaudet, 2018)
Reference list: Moraes, M. U., Gaudet, T. J., 2018, Immunotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Bioscience Horizons, vol. 11, no. 1, doi: 10.1093/biohorizons/hzy001.
In-text: (Muriithi et. al., 2018)
Reference list: Muriithi, E., Kinyua J., Nyanjom, S. G., 2018, In silico prediction of protein-protein interaction between Glossina m. morsitans (Westwood, 1851) and Trypanosoma brucei (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), Bioscience Horizons, vol.11, no.1, doi:10.1093/biohorizons/hzy005.
Reference list: In-text: (Lodish et. al., 2018)
Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C. A. et al., 2018, Molecular Cell Biology, edition: 8th, W. H. Freeman, ISBN: 1464183392.